Suffolk Mid-Coastal Woodturners
Suffolk Mid-Coastal Woodturners   

Aerial view of the Orwell bridge

This website was last updated

on  the 08/02/2025

         From Standing tree to                    outstanding furniture.


  01728 440040 or 07982392579

Suppliers of locally sourced, air dried timber. Many hardwood species available. Pre cut blanks available or board selection.

Machining service available on request.

Still open for business, Club members welcome.

Delivery options may be available.

Lodge Farm, Laxfield Rd.

Dennington. IP13 8AR






We meet at the Dallinghoo village hall. Postcode IP13 0JY


Our mission is to provide the opportunity for people with wood craft interests & skills to meet & benefit from contact with other people with similar interests.

With this mission in mind the committee   annually sets a programme within the group to include demonstations at our headquarters to promote the art of woodturning and associcated wood crafts. We have a strong membership who attend these organised demonstrations where we have a gallery to show off members work and to inspire others to progress and show off their new founded talents.

We are open to new members of all ages and gender, whether you are a beginner or returning to woodturning. We are very keen to attract youngsters as we recognize them as being the woodturners of the future. We like to believe we have a family atmosphere within the club, this appears to be apparent when we hold our social night.

We meet the 1st Thursday of most months at our headquarters, however with our development and training programme we can offer 1 to 1 training with a specific mentor. please see development and training programme. Members are constantly notified of the clubs activities by means of our regular newsletter and via our club noticeboard at our meetings. Our facilities we offer for demonstrations we feel are very good, with multiple camera's to view very close up on the place of work, this is supported by a sound system and lighting. We have our own lathe (Maxi1) with all the associated equipment.

If you would like to learn more about us please contact us or feedback any comments.  Information on this site will be regularly updated by webmaster Trevor Blackman . We hope you find the content interesting and informative.





please click for AWGB Website


               The SMCW Club is not responsible for the content of linked external websites.





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© Trevor Blackman