Suffolk Mid-Coastal Woodturners
Suffolk Mid-Coastal Woodturners   

Aerial view of the Orwell bridge

This website was last updated

on  the 08/02/2025

         From Standing tree to                    outstanding furniture.


  01728 440040 or 07982392579

Suppliers of locally sourced, air dried timber. Many hardwood species available. Pre cut blanks available or board selection.

Machining service available on request.

Still open for business, Club members welcome.

Delivery options may be available.

Lodge Farm, Laxfield Rd.

Dennington. IP13 8AR





We meet at the Dallinghoo village hall. Postcode IP13 0JY


Our Training and Development programme is designed specifically to give the opportunity to members beginning in woodturning to gain and develop knowledge and basic skills surrounding this hobby.

This can be achieved with a new member being assigned a mentor who would be an experienced club member with a good knowledge and safety issues involved with woodturning. The mentor, who will be able to demonstrate and help develop your skills,  by giving 1 to 1 training in the members own or the mentors workshop. This mentoring could continue until it is considered by your mentor that you have reached the correct level of knowledge / standards whilst working safely in your own workshop.

Development could also apply to more experienced members who may wish to learn a specific subject within woodturning from a fellow member who has the appropriate knowledge.

If you wish to make use of this programme, please contact Club Secretary Trevor Blackman.  
  01473404539 or 07443870518. 

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© Trevor Blackman