Aerial view of the Orwell bridge
This website was last updated
on the 10/01/2025
From Standing tree to outstanding furniture.
Suppliers of locally sourced, air dried timber. Many hardwood species available. Pre cut blanks available or board selection.
Machining service available on request.
Still open for business, Club members welcome.
Delivery options may be available.
Lodge Farm, Laxfield Rd.
Dennington. IP13 8AR
The Social night will be on the 1st August 2024
The social evening is one important calendar date to remember, it is the opportunity for all members and their families to come and join us in what has proved to be a very enjoyable and relaxing evening in previous years. The "club competitions" where members enter the "President's Cup" and / or the"Ebeneezer's Cup". The judging is carried out by all the those present
Also a competition for those new to turning with 5years or less. This will be judged by committee members. We finish the evening with a grand draw, which always goes down well.
There will be a cold buffet included in the cost of the evening. (yet to be determined).
2023 Social Night Photos.
The 2022 Social night was dedicated to Peter Taylor and Geoff Moss, recentley passed away. Some 45 members and wives / parteners and invited guests enjoyed the evening. The evening was free to attend and the Club laid on a finger buffet, deserts and drinks. A raffle was held, with a mountain of prizes, mostly donated by members. The raffle and donations raised £334 which will be given in equal shares to the Blind association and the Hospice. The competitions saw numerous entries, with Mark Cordle winning both the Presidents and the Ebeneezer cups.
The 2019 social evening went well and members and guests seemed to enjoy the good company and some excellent food, thanks to Emma and her team. The raffle raised £177 for Club funds.
The competition for the Presidents cup was a close run thing with Trevor Blackman winning from Mark Cordle by 1vote. Trevors winning piece was a Mantle clock inspired by Gary Rance.
The competition for the Ebeneezer cup had a suprising result. From some very good entries, a tiny Penguin scooped the prize. This was made by Trevor Blackman, the most surprised person in the hall.
2018 winner of both cups was Mark Cordle.